Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Christian Almanac by Grant & Wilbur

For my 2008 daily devotional reading, I'm reading through the New Kings James Version Bible, Henry & Richard Blackaby's Experiencing God Day by Day, and The Christian Almanac: A Dictionary of Days Celebrating History's Most Significant People and Events by George Grant and Gregory Wilbur.
I knew it would be interesting, most of George Grant's writings are to me, but I didn't realize how inspirational and encouraging The Christian Almanac would be. The back cover of my edition provides a great overview:

For each day of the year [it] provides a wide range of useful information:

  • A time line of events that place that day
  • An essay of about a person or relevant event in Christian history
  • Suggested Scripture readings that allow a reader to complete the entire
    Bible in a single year.
  • A memorable quote that enlightens each month's theme
  • Acknowledgement of liturgical feast days and holidays where

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