Monday, November 10, 2008

Real Bicycles

Most of us who pedal don't do it to win. We ride to enjoy the scenery, run errands, commute, save gas, exercise, think and more. But, I believe, most of us appreciate good, solid bikes and accessories. And, some of us, even if we can't afford them, really like traditional, retro-type, all-purpose bicycles made from lugged steel that have a hint of a by-gone era. Two companies that fit that mold, in my opinion, are RIVENDELL BICYCLE WORKS and VELO ORANGE. Rivendell has some great reading with a unique style. Their paper catalogues are worth keeping for literature's sake. Velo Orange has a pretty neat blog, too. Take a look if you like to ride but aren't interested in speed, at least a lot of it.

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