Saturday, February 1, 2014

“Sons and Daughters, Mothers and Fathers”

Sons and daughters,
Honor and obedience to your mothers and fathers
is good, holy and rewarding.
But disobedience and dishonor
will not keep them calmer.  
For the Lord’s sake submission stop hoarding!

Mothers and Fathers,
Your children you are not to exasperate
even though they instigate
frustration in you at times.
For while they must honor and obey,
listening carefully to all that you say,
harsh pushing may lead them to crimes…
against you, God and others.
For the Lord’s sake flee ruling that smothers!  

Children AND Parents,
Let’s look to the perfect Daddy and Son
in Whose family by faith we’re made one
when obediently we’re buried in water.
For the Son, on that night
that was filled with great fright,
said, “Not my will but Yours” to His Father.

(Inspired by Ephesians 6:1-4.)

By Bart W. Newton
February 1, 2014

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