Saturday, February 8, 2014
Ink According To Paper Or Paper According To Ink?
Do you buy your inks so that you can use any quality of paper or do you tend to buy your paper so that you can use any ink regardless of its behavior? A couple of years ago or so I decided I was most comfortable in the former.
I want the inks I use to have practically no feathering or bleed-through on the papers I most often find myself using throughout the course of the day at home and work--20lb copy paper, Moleskine weekly planner & cahiers, Made in Brazil Norcom Composition Notebooks, Ampad Gold Fibre Project Planner, Ampad Gold Fibre Classic Planning Pads, Leuchtturm1917 Journals and Rhodia Classic Side Staplebound Notebook (3x4.75). Basically, I want inks that will behave very well regardless of the quality of the paper. Therefore, my most commonly used inks include Lamy Blue, Lamy Blue-Black (old formula, iron-gall), R&K Scabiosa, R&K Sepia, Stipula Calamo Musk/Moss Green, Quink Blue-Black, Quink Black, and Skrip Red. Most of the inks I use regularly would make Inkyjournal's 100% Moleskine Proof list of inks. As Inkling13 writes in a post over at the Fountain Pen Network, "Ink and pen are with you for the day, paper will come and go. I like my ink versatile."
While I like Diamine Emerald, for example, I would be limited to using paper such as Rhodia, Clairefontaine and 24lb-32lb copy paper.
So which way do you lean, inks that behave well on any quality of paper or paper on which any ink behaves well? Please include the applicable inks and/or papers.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Favorite Fountain Pen Inks (In No Particular Order)
Black (discontinued bottled, iron-gall formula) is currently
being used in a Noodler’s Konrad fountain pen fitted with a 1.1 mm italic
Goulet Nib. I use this for journaling, some note taking, addressing envelopes
and as one of my primary signature inks. This is a relatively dry ink with
great shading and no bleed-through or feathering on even low quality paper. It
is very water resistant. (One possible substitute for this ink is Rohrer &Klingner’s Salix.)
(preferably bottled) is almost always found in my blue Lamy Safari with a fine
nib. Used for underlining, marginalia, jotting notes/to-do lists, sermon prep
notes/ideas. This non-flashy ink is so well-behaved even on low quality paper.
It has some shading. It is not at all water resistant but it is
low-maintenance. Like all Lamy inks, it’s quite affordable and comes in a very
user-friendly bottle complete with a built-in supply of blotter paper! (I
accidently let myself run out of my bottled supply of everyday workhorse ink.
Trying to be a bit more frugal this year, I elected to finish my bottle of
Sheaffer Skrip Blue (Slovenia) ink before restocking Lamy Blue. Fortunately I
do have a few cartridges of LB remaining.)
My Lamy Al-Star with a 1.1 mm italic nib is loaded
with my favorite brown-shaded ink, Rohrer & Klingner Sepia. This ink shades beautifully, behaves splendidly, dries
quickly and resists water faithfully. R&K Sepia comes in a sturdy,
light-resistant bottle. In my opinion, it is a true sepia. Uses include journaling,
letter writing or note cards to friends and some underlining and marginalia.
StipulaCalamo Moss/Musk Green smoothly flows from a 1.1 mm italic
Goulet-nibbed, Noodler’s Konrad fountain pen. It exhibits shading and performs
well even on low-quality Moleskine paper. It’s a bit pricey. (I received it as
a gift.) It has met all my expectations. I mostly use it for some journaling
and note-taking.
Other favorite inks currently not in rotation
include Parker Quink Blue-Black, Parker Quink Black (now in my charcoal
Lamy Safari (EF) and R&K Scabiosa
(which is an iron-gall ink). All of these behave relatively well on a wide
range of paper qualities. In fact, I generally try to only purchase inks that
work well on the generally unfriendly-to-fountain-pen-ink Moleskine paper.
Swabs of all of these inks can be found at GouletPens Swab Shop. (In my opinion, the Lamy Blue actually more vibrant and has a
hint more purplish tint.)
When possible, I try to purchase my inks from brick
and mortar stores, which is hardly ever. Online, I generally purchase ink (and
pens) from, and
What are your favorite bottled fountain pen inks?
(Note: I have no affiliation with any of the companies listed in this post other than being a satisfied customer.)
(Note: I have no affiliation with any of the companies listed in this post other than being a satisfied customer.)
Saturday, February 1, 2014
“Sons and Daughters, Mothers and Fathers”
Sons and daughters,
and obedience to your mothers and fathers
good, holy and rewarding.
disobedience and dishonor
not keep them calmer.
the Lord’s sake submission stop hoarding!
and Fathers,
children you are not to exasperate
though they instigate
frustration in
you at times.
while they must honor and obey,
carefully to all that you say,
harsh pushing
may lead them to crimes…
against you, God
and others.
the Lord’s sake flee ruling that smothers!
AND Parents,
look to the perfect Daddy and Son
Whose family by faith we’re made one
when obediently we’re
buried in water.
the Son, on that night
was filled with great fright,
said, “Not my
will but Yours” to His Father.
(Inspired by Ephesians 6:1-4.)
(Inspired by Ephesians 6:1-4.)
Bart W. Newton
1, 2014
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