Friday, December 5, 2014

Eclinktics (Eclectic Links) No. 2

Eight more links covering a variety of topics: 

It’s the end for Iraqi Christians

Amazing art studio shed in beautiful Fife countryside

Cutting Quills on Vimeo (Via the Cramped)

Journal Day 12.10.2013

What is Blackwing? Palomino’s Short Film Provides the Answer

 A Solzhenitsyn Eleventary

Ink, glorious ink: Charles Dickens at work with quills




“14 Thoughts on Bible Reading and/or Listening”

   While searching online for some information on how to do a personal logbook, I stumbled upon a writer’s blog named Austin Kleon. He has a blog post titled “33Thoughts on Reading.*” (Warning: The otherwise excellent post uses an an unnecessary expletive.) One of his thoughts is “I will make time for reading the way I make time for meals or brushing my teeth.” Commendable! And it provoked this thought in my mind: What if every member of the Christian church, including myself, adopted that commitment to reading and/or listening to the Bible? I read the rest of Austin Kleon’s thoughts on reading books in general and adapted and reduced the list to 14 thoughts on reading and listening to the Bible:

1. I will make time for reading/listening to my Bible like I make time for meals and brushing my teeth (or checking facebook).

2. I will make an effort to carry the Bible with me at all times on my person and in my heart.

3. I will not let my smart-phone distract me, even if it means turning it off.

4. I will read with a pencil. I will underline. I will write in the margins.

5. I will copy down favorite passages in a notebook with my own hand to know what writing the words feels like and to help me remember it.

6. I will reread favorite passages the way I watch TV re-runs, re-watch movies and listen to favorite songs over and over.

7. I will keep a record of the books of the Bible I read each year.

8. When I find a verse that speaks loudly to my soul, I will underline it, memorize it and share it with others.

9. As often as I can I will read the Bible aloud to someone I care about.

10. I will not harbor the illusion that just because I read the Bible I’m obeying it or am superior to others.

11. I will not boast about how much of the Bible I read. I will only boast of Christ.

12. I will let the Bible help guide my prayers.

13. I will not expect understanding to always come easy for every Bible passage or verse.

14. I will ask myself, “How would my life be different if I obeyed this passage?” And then I must obey regardless of the consequences.

*Disclaimer: Though obligated to give credit to whom credit is due, by providing the source I am not endorsing the use of any inappropriate language used therein.